Goblin Band

Bristol Folk House
Sun 4 May | Doors 7.00 pm

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“They can play, they can sing & they’re fearless… When I saw Goblin Band singing recently, I just thought, “Why didn’t I think of that? ” – Martin Carthy

There’s something of a stir around Goblin Band. Formed around the infamous sessions that run out of HobGoblin Music shop in central London, they already have Martin Carthy & Paul McCartney under their spell.

“Rowdy flamboyant folk”The Guardian

A talented young queer four-piece, Goblin Band play a wide range of traditional and medieval instruments, revelling in folk’s socialist tradition.

“Phenomenally talented, high-energy band”Sidmouth Herald

Through a fusion of harmony singing, fiddle, squeezebox, hurdy gurdy and more, Goblin deliver a charismatic stomping expression of English traditional culture in a way which is at once riotously joyful and deeply sincere.


Book a ticket for this Goblin Band show or better still, dive into a whole weekend of exceptional music with a Weekend Pass.

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Individual seating is unreserved. A bar is available for refreshments at the venue.
Bristol Folk House is on multiple levels connected with steps, & wheelchair access is difficult. For more information see the ‘Venue Accessibility’ section of the ‘Contact Us’ page on their website.

Bristol Folk House | Bristol | BS1 5JG

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